Adventure Films:

The Paladin

Puppet Fiction

Mission: Impossible

When A Rabbit Calls



Murder In Zabel

Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible

Jim Phelps, as head of the Mission: Impossible team, was always given the choice to accept or decline his missions. This one, he should have declined. Working alone, Phelps must track down an Insane Villain who has stolen a nuclear device and plans to place in somewhere in a New York City municipal building. To find the bomb, Phelps must find its unknown location, by circumventing the security system of the villain (landmines and an attack cow) and cracking the password of his computer. The ultimate showdown is a race against both time and bovine ... and the result is what one critic called "Moo-re fun than I've had at the moo-vies all year."

  • Release Date: May 1996
  • Running Time: 7 min, 45 sec
  • MPAA Rating: R, with one angry cow
  • Awards Received: None. Uncle John was robbed.

Mission: Impossible Mission: Impossible Mission: Impossible