Adventure Films:

The Paladin

Puppet Fiction

Mission: Impossible

When A Rabbit Calls



Murder In Zabel


An Air-Ship of Dreams

A Hope for the Future

An Unfortunate Miscalculation by a Typically Very Good Engineer

So starts the tragedy that is Hindenburg. Drawing countless comparisons to it's B-Movie counterpart Titanic, Hindenburg is a study of the struggle for survival, the quest for love, and the sleepy crow's nest crew. The story of Violet and Jack will touch your heart, the battle between Jack and Peter will challenge your sensibilities, and the possiblity of large airship disaster will force you to confront your own mortality. With a soundtrack that features artists we're unable to mention here, Hindenburg will leave you breathless. Said one critic, "It was better than Cats."

  • Release Date: December 1998
  • Running Time: 14 min, 27 sec
  • MPAA Rating: PG-13, violent checkers scene
  • Awards Received:
    • Best Picture, 1998
    • Best Actor, Matthew Grossman 1998 (tie)